Saturday, July 31, 2010

StarCraft II is finally out after 12 long year since the reliece of the first game. I plan on geting the game today but I have been reaserching the reviews latly. So far what I hear is good but there are e few things i found disterbing.

The The gameplay doesnt seeme to get much complaints form users and reviewiers. It sticks to the tradiciona style of the old starcraft and warcraft design and thats part of what makes it great. The special effects seeme to be prety good form the trailers and demos that I have seen.

The game seemes to be very story drivin. This release is onely the firt of three chapters in the game. each shapter wil be relieced one at a time unlike its predisesor which had all 3 chapters in one game. I almost feel like we the consumers is geting riped off by deviding the three thapters into 3 different games. All that depends on how estensive each chapter is. Im not faulting the company for trying to keep hype going for years to come but if Im only geting 1/3rd of a game for $60 then I would be estremely upset.

Oking now im going to move on to the disterbing part but first I want to rant about software companies in genera. It seeme to me that these days software companies want to push products out that practilly crack dwon on paying customers in efforts to provent the small band of thieves that call themselvs pirates. Can anyone tell me if ther had ever been an instant where a company had colapsed due soly to the awe inspireing distructive force of softwre pirating? I dont think so. ho sere is what i find messed up about the new game. is now a cloud system . I hate cloud systems. the first cloud game I play was the late AVE. even though the game worked with out loging on to the cloud I wasnt able to save my game to my pc.You need the cloud to store your informaton. It mekes me feel liek the game I purchased isnt even mine. If you wan to argue property rights then maybe they should jsut stop selling games and rent them for about $10.00 a month over the cloud system. Other than that if I payed a one time purchase price and take the coppy to my home then I consider it to be mine in spite of what any coppyright law might say thus all saved informationg should stay on my computer.

No Lan support. the company doesnt want pirates having the full experience of the game with out the cloud system. But what about the rest of us playing customers? We are force to use the internet for multiplayer action.

RealID! over the Iternet! Are they crazy? do you know how easy it is to search some one with just their first and last name? do i have to tell you how this can serously back fire? What if some one posted a comment in a forum, then that comment gets flamed by some anoying jerk who was only lookin to start trouble. Ungnown to the jerk the auther of the comment has some kine of mental disorder and easily forgets wright form wrong, uses the jerks information to track hem down comits murder. The RealID feature is opt-in only but it should be completly removed.

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