The most talked about and reviewed variant of the Samsung Galaxy S phones is the Vibrant form T-mobile. While sticking to the original Galaxy S design this variant has become the most wanted smart phone on the market and its for a good reason. The phone is a Multimedia powerhouse. With the built in exclusive features you will be able to entertains your self for as long as the battery lasts. The design is aesthetically attractive. It is thin and sleek making you want to buy it just based on how it looks. Depending on where you shop the price is rapidly dropping on this device.
One thing that almost made me hate the phone was the fact the it didn't come with a flash.Instead the phone comes with the ability to amplify light with a function call night node. I don't yet own the phone so I'm not sure about how it really function but the reviews form seemed pretty impressive.
The phone comes exclusive with the Sims 3. If you haven't herd of this game then I would definitely recommend playing it. The Sims is like a simulation of life it self. You start by customizing your character to your specifications, looks, skills and personality. The character is placed into a home where you life your life. you can make friends with in-game character get a job, get married, start a family, and redesign your home. The game is highly addictive interactive.
Rumor has it that the phone will be compatible to the new HSDPA+ data networks and will get an upgrade to activate that feature when the system is in more locations. T-mobile claims that the HSDPA+ network will be able to provide speeds of up to 21Mb/second. Note that 1Mb (Mega bit) is 1/8Th of 1MB (Mega Byte), 1/8Th is = to .125 so to translate 21Mb/ second is = 2.625MB/second.
Find out more about the Samsung Vibrant.
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